
Visiting a Chiropodist for Athlete’s Foot

Athlete's foot, medically known as tinea pedis or ringworm of the foot, is a fungal infection that commonly affects the skin between the toes and on the soles of the feet. It thrives in warm, and moist environments such as sweaty shoes and locker rooms. Symptoms include itching, burning, redness, flaking, and cracking of the skin. In severe cases, blisters or ulcers may develop. Effective treatment often consists of prescribed antifungal creams or oral medication. Additionally, It is essential to keep the feet clean and dry, wear breathable socks and shoes, and avoid walking barefoot in public areas to prevent spreading the infection. If you have athlete’s foot and symptoms persist or if there are signs of a secondary bacterial infection, it is advisable to consult a chiropodist for proper diagnosis and management.

Athlete’s foot can be uncomfortable and unsightly. To learn more about preventing and treating this condition, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment. 

What Is Athlete’s Foot? 

Athlete’s foot refers to an infection of the skin on the feet that is caused by a fungus. This fungus is contagious and thrives in warm and moist environments. It is often spread in common areas such as public pools, locker rooms, and showers. It can also spread when sharing personal items, like shoes or towels, with an infected person. 


The symptoms of athlete’s foot may include: 

  • Itching, stinging, or burning of the skin on the feet

  • Cracking or peeling skin, especially between the toes and on the soles of the feet

  • Scaly, red rash on the foot

  • Blisters 

  • Foul odor


Treatment for athlete’s foot typically involves using over-the-counter topical antifungal medications on the feet. When over-the-counter options are ineffective, you may need to take prescription oral medications or topical antifungal drugs, or a combination of both. 


Preventing athlete’s foot places an emphasis on good foot hygiene practices. 

You can prevent athlete’s foot by:

  • Washing and drying your feet thoroughly every day

  • Wearing shoes when walking in public areas

  • Not sharing personal items, like shoes or socks, with others

  • Wearing shoes and socks made out of breathable materials

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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Insights Regarding Foot Anatomy

The human foot is a marvel of biological engineering, comprising a complex arrangement of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. At its core are 26 bones, including the talus, calcaneus, and five metatarsals, forming the arches that provide structure and support. These bones are held together by a network of ligaments, which provide stability while allowing for flexibility and movement. Surrounding the bones are layers of muscles and tendons, facilitating intricate movements, such as flexion, extension, and rotation. The plantar fascia, a thick band of connective tissue, spans the length of the sole, providing support to the arch and helping to absorb shock during weight-bearing activities. Meanwhile, a dense network of blood vessels and nerves supplies the foot, ensuring proper circulation and sensation. If you have foot pain, it is strongly suggested that you schedule an appointment with a chiropodist who can diagnose it and recommend the appropriate treatment options.

The biomechanics of your feet play an important role in your foot health. To learn more, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

Foot biomechanics refers to the study of the structure, function, and motion of the feet. The feet and ankles are a complex system consisting of many bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons that work together to move your feet. Understanding the unique biomechanics of your own feet can help you and your chiropodist make informed decisions about your foot health care. This includes decisions about the best preventive measures to avoid foot pain, the best treatment options for various foot problems, and finding the best shoes for your feet. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Biomechanics of the Feet

High Heels Linked to Foot and Ankle Pain

In a recent study of foot pain, a link was found between certain types of shoes, including high heels, pumps, and sandals, and foot pain among women. The research highlights the significance of footwear choices beyond mere fashion, emphasizing the importance of support and structure in shoes to decrease or eliminate foot pain. Foot and toe pain ranks among the top reasons for visits to a chiropodist. This is especially true among older individuals and women far more often than men. High-heeled shoes sometimes lack the necessary shock absorption features found in sneakers and athletic footwear. Over some time, this can lead to increased stress on the heel and ankle with each step. It's imperative for individuals, especially young women, to make informed decisions about their footwear to protect their foot health in the long term. A chiropodist can offer tailored solutions to alleviate foot pain and improve overall foot health. For help with foot pain that may have developed from certain shoes, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a chiropodist.

High heels have been in style for centuries, but unfortunately, they have also been damaging feet for centuries. If you would like to learn more about how high heels can hurt your feet, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

High heels can cause a variety of problems, including:

  • Foot and ankle pain

  • Foot and ankle injuries

  • Toe pain and deformities 

  • Gait abnormalities

  • Achilles tendonitis 

  • Changes in posture

  • Difficulty balancing

  • Leg, hip, and back pain

If you are reluctant to abandon your high heels, you can still wear them, but should take measures to minimize damage to your feet: 

  • Wear shoes with heels no higher than 2 inches

  • Choose properly fitted shoes

  • Choose shoes with a wide toe box

  • Wear high heels infrequently 

  • When wearing high heels, take them off periodically to stretch and relax your feet 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about High Heels and the Feet

Are Bunions Affecting Your Everyday Life?

Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don't let bunions interfere with your daily activities.

Foot Preparation for the Spring Season

As the vibrant hues of spring emerge, it is time to turn our attention to preparing our feet for the season's adventures. Winter often leaves our feet neglected, enclosed in thick socks and boots, leading to dryness, calluses, and even fungal infections. Start by indulging in a rejuvenating foot soak, softening the skin and easing tension accumulated over the colder months. Follow up with gentle exfoliation to slough off dead skin cells, unveiling soft, supple soles. Nourish your feet with a rich moisturizer, paying extra attention to heels and cuticles. Trim nails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails and ensure a neat appearance. It is beneficial to assess your footwear and choose breathable, supportive, shoes that accommodate the changing weather conditions and your springtime activities. If you would like additional information about effective foot care routines, it is suggested that you consult a chiropodist.

Springtime is the season that many people use to get back into exercising and sports. It’s also a time when foot and ankle injuries may be more common. If you have a foot or ankle injury, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

Common Foot and Ankle Problems in Spring 

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Shin splints 

  • Strains

  • Sprains

  • Fractures

  • And more

Avoiding Injury

  • Increase physical activity slowly and gradually

  • Wear comfortable, well-fitted shoes and socks

  • Take time to rest following a workout 

  • Recognize and treat any injuries promptly 

Treatment at Home

  • Rest the injured foot

  • Apply ice to reduce swelling

  • Compress the injured foot with a bandage 

  • Elevate the foot to prevent swelling

Serious, chronic, or particularly painful injuries require medical care by a professional. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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Understanding Flat Feet in Children

Flat feet, also known as fallen arches, are a common condition among children, characterized by the absence or low arches of the inner foot. While some children are born with naturally flat feet, others may develop them as they grow. In most cases, flat feet do not cause pain or discomfort and do not require treatment. However, in some instances, children may experience symptoms such as foot pain, stiffness, or difficulty with activities like running or jumping. Factors contributing to flat feet in children include genetics, muscle weakness, or underlying medical conditions like cerebral palsy or Down syndrome. While flat feet typically do not require intervention, supportive footwear or orthotic inserts may be recommended for children experiencing discomfort. Encouraging children to engage in activities that strengthen the muscles of the feet and legs, such as swimming or gymnastics, can also help alleviate symptoms associated with flat feet. Monitoring children's foot development and consulting a chiropodist if concerns arise is essential for promoting optimal foot health and mobility throughout childhood. If your child has flat feet, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with this type of healthcare professional for management tips.

Flat feet are a common foot condition. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort due to flat feet, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment. 

What Are Flat Feet? 

Flat feet are feet that do not have a well-defined arch in the middle of the sole of the foot. Flat feet may be flexible or rigid. Flexible flat feet have an arch when there is no pressure put on the foot, such as when one is sitting, but the arch disappears upon standing. Rigid flat feet lack an arch regardless of whether one is standing or not. 


Flat feet can be present from birth or acquired over time due to a weakening of the ligaments in the arch. Sometimes flat feet are caused by illnesses, injuries, or pregnancy. 


Flat feet often cause no noticeable symptoms. However, some people may experience pain and discomfort due to their flat feet. 

Symptoms associated with flat feet include:

  • Pain in the arch, heel, ankle, or along the outside of the foot

  • Overpronation of the foot

  • Shin splints

  • Aching or fatigue in the feet or legs

  • Pain in the knees, hips, or lower back


In cases where flat feet cause symptoms, there are various treatments available. Wearing orthotic inserts in your shoes to provide more arch support, performing stretches, and taking medications may improve your symptoms. If you are overweight, losing weight can help relieve pressure on the feet. In severe cases, surgery may be considered. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Flat Feet

Choosing the Right Walking Aid

Walking aids are indispensable for anyone with mobility issues, providing much-needed support, stability, and balance. Yet, selecting the appropriate walking aid is paramount, particularly for older adults. Studies have underscored the link between falls and improperly chosen walking aids or using them incorrectly. There are several types of walking aids, including canes, walkers, crutches, rollators, and walking frames. To narrow down the options, it is essential to assess individual mobility requirements, including balance, stability, and post-injury or surgical recovery. Obtaining accurate measurements, especially for cane height, ensures comfort and minimizes fall risk. Selecting an appropriate grip for comfort and support is key, as is considering walking aids with added stability features, like quadrupeds or rollators for those with balance concerns. Portability is another aspect to consider, with rollators ideal for outdoor use and lightweight canes or crutches for indoor use. If you are having trouble with balance or stability, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a chiropodist today for guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Falls are a common but preventable problem for older adults. If you would like to learn more about preventing falls, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

Did you know that most falls occur in the home? Fortunately, there are many simple changes that you can make to the living environment to reduce the risk of falling. 

In the Bathroom:

  • Install grab bars near toilets, bathtubs, and showers

  • Put non-skid mats on all surfaces that may get wet

In the Bedroom:

  • Keep a light near the bed so that you can easily turn it on if you have to get up at night

  • Keep the path from your bedroom to the bathroom clutter-free and well-lit

  • Consider installing a bed rail for added support

In the Kitchen:

  • Use non-skid mats

  • Wipe up any spills immediately

  • Move commonly used items to areas that are easily within your reach

In the Hallways:

  • Place handrails on both sides of the stairs

  • Install good lighting in the hallways and around the entire home

  • Keep hallways free of clutter

  • Don’t use throw rugs or small area rugs

In Other Living Areas: 

  • Keep loose cables, cords, and wires near the wall and away from walking surfaces

  • Make sure that all carpets and rugs are secure firmly to the floor

  • Arrange your furniture so that it is not in your way when you walk

  • Use chairs and couches that you can easily get up from

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Falls Prevention

Treatment Options for Diabetic Wounds

Diabetic foot wounds require diligent care to promote healing and prevent further problems. It is essential to relieve pressure on the wounds, improve blood flow, and address any infections promptly. Regular check-ups by a chiropodist and patient education are important aspects of diabetic foot management. Advanced wound care techniques, such as removing hard skin and proper dressing changes, play a vital role in the healing process. Additionally, maintaining optimal blood sugar levels is essential for wound healing. By prioritizing wound care and seeking professional guidance, individuals can reduce the risks associated with diabetic foot wounds and promote overall foot health. If you have foot ulcers caused by diabetes, it is suggested that you are under the care of a chiropodist for personalized treatment and support.

Wound care is the process of treating and preventing wounds on the feet. This is especially important if you have diabetes, as diabetic foot wounds are common and can lead to serious complications when left untreated. To learn more about proper wound care, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment. 

Why Is Wound Care Important for Diabetics?

While wound care is important for maintaining the health of your feet, it is especially important for people with diabetes. This is because diabetics often suffer from poor blood circulation, causing foot wounds to heal very slowly or not to heal at all. Diabetics also frequently suffer from neuropathy or nerve loss. This means no matter how big or little the wound, they might not feel it on their foot. If the wound becomes severely infected, amputation may be necessary. This is why it is imperative that diabetics complete daily foot checks.

Wound Care Basics

The best way to care for wounds is to prevent them in the first place. It is recommended that people with diabetes perform a daily examination of their feet to locate cuts, scrapes, sores, or wounds. Early detection allows for ample time to treat the wounds and prevent further complications. If you notice a wound at home, you can clean it using water, apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover the wound with a clean bandage. Seeing a chiropodist, who can examine your feet thoroughly and treat any existing wounds, can also help you maintain proper foot health. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Wound Care

Gout Pain Can Be Managed

Gout is a painful, inflammatory form of arthritis. Those affected will typically feel an intense stiffness in the joints of their feet, particularly in the big toe. Schedule a visit to learn about how gout can be managed and treated.

Tips for Hiking in the Snow

Many walkers and hikers worldwide embrace the challenge of winter hiking, but it requires careful preparation. Start by packing essential gear like a sleeping bag, emergency blanket, and first aid kit. Opt for warm, nutritious foods to maintain body temperature, and start early to ensure you finish before nightfall. Invest in waterproof boots with durable soles and moisture-wicking socks to keep feet dry. Gaiters can help keep snow out of boots, and crampons provide traction on icy terrain. Protect your eyes with sunglasses or goggles, and use walking poles for stability and shock absorption. By taking necessary precautions, hikers can fully appreciate the beauty of winter landscapes while minimizing the risk of foot-related problems. Despite precautions, foot-related issues can arise, making it necessary to see a chiropodist for any discomfort or injury. A chiropodist can provide expert foot care, addressing blisters, sprains, or plantar fasciitis, among other ailments. For help with foot-related pain or other issues, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a chiropodist. 

The winter months can bring about new or worsening foot and ankle problems. If you’re suffering from foot or ankle pain, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

Winter Foot Problems

  • Cracked heels - Dry, cracked skin on the heels of the feet that is associated with cold, dry weather

  • Athlete’s foot - A fungal infection on the skin of the feet

  • Blisters - Fluid-filled bubbles of skin that usually form in response to friction 

  • Fractures - Broken bones in the feet or ankles 

  • Metatarsalgia - General foot pain

  • Chilblains - Spasming of the small blood vessels in the toes in response to exposure to cold weather 

  • Raynaud’s disease - Numbness, pain, and color changes in the toes due to cold weather 


  • Wear warm socks and shoes

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the cold

  • Moisturize the heels regularly

  • Keep your feet clean and dry 

  • Walk carefully in areas that may be icy 

  • Wear non-slip shoes 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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