By Super User on Tuesday, 25 April 2023
Category: Featured

Hyperhidrosis of the Feet

Plantar hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes the feet to sweat excessively. It typically affects both feet equally. Plantar hyperhidrosis can greatly affect one’s life. When the feet sweat too much, they can become chronically damp, cold, white, and pruney. The skin of the feet becomes a perfect breeding ground for a variety of fungi and bacteria that thrive in moist environments. Infections like athlete’s foot can spread on the feet and to the toes and other parts of the body. The feet may also produce a strong, unpleasant odor. 

Plantar hyperhidrosis can also affect your footwear. Excessive sweat can ruin your shoes over time. The moisture may also cause your feet to slip around or out of the shoes, becoming a serious safety hazard. Friction blisters also become more likely. At the same time, you may not want to take off your shoes, in fear of leaving behind damp footprints or having someone notice the state of your feet. 

Fortunately, a variety of treatments are available to reduce sweating and improve your quality of life. The first line of treatment is usually a topical antiperspirant. These can be bought over the counter at the drugstore or prescribed by your chiropodist. They typically come in the form of a gel, powder, or cream and are applied directly to the feet to prevent sweat from reaching the surface, much like the antiperspirants you might find in your deodorant. Another option is taking oral medications to temporarily reduce excessive sweating. Iontophoresis, a treatment that uses electrical currents conducted through water to reduce hyperactivity in the sweat glands may help. In some cases, more invasive treatments, like botox injections directly into the feet to disable the sweat glands, may be prescribed. 

To learn more about plantar hyperhidrosis and to find the right treatment for you, please consult with a chiropodist.  

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